ISO 9001:2015
ISO 45001:2018
30+ Years
Welcome To Paresh Constructions We bring to you our first See Details Technology of the future... Hydraulic Drill and Foundations Pvt. Ltd We specialize in Marine See Details Infrastructure Construction We have executed several See Details Marine Piling Projects We specialize in Land See Details Infrastructure Projects See Details

Geotechnical Investigation is a unique part of our business
We specialize in both soil & marine investigation


Paresh Constructions And Foundations Pvt. Ltd (PCFPL), an ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 certified company incorporated under Indian Companies Act, 1956 on 5th April’ 1991 is a Private Limited Company headquartered in Mumbai.

PCFPL is a well organized and established company engaged in onshore & offshore projects of Marine and Land Infrastructure. The Company is serving in the areas of Civil Engineering and Geo-Technical Engineering field since last 25+ years. The company started its third vertical in the year of 1994 by setting up their Equipment manufacturing division that specializes in a broad range of Piling Systems and equipments. 

“Our thorough knowledge of tool making has been a key success in allowing us to expand and offer innovative manufacturing solutions. We pride ourselves with over 20 years of experience in the design, manufacture and installation of our own range of heavy duty Piling Equipment and Systems.”


Featured Projects

Land & Marine

 The Leela Hotel, Kovalam, Kerala

Alcock Yard, Mazagon Dock Limited, Mumbai

Kandla Port, Gujrat


Featured Works

“Projects we’ve completed, demonstrate what we know
Future projects shall decide, what we learn.”

Here are some feathers in our cap ~

PowerDrill (Hydraulic Drilling Rig)

Our first 30-tonne hydraulic drilling rig innovatively designed for Indian strata.

Cargo Berth

Due to PCF’s design, speed and quality the entire project was executed in the shortest turn around time of 13 months.

Barge Berth

The project finished in due time facing all challenges including working in a difficult soil strata.

SSA Workshop, Mazgaon Dock

Our 1st extensive industrial project covering not just Civil but also Electrical, Mechanical, Fire-fighting and HVAC works.


  • PCFPL executed geotechnical investigation professionally and to our complete satisfaction.
    “We appreciate them for their work”.

    - L&T construction
  • We found PCFPL to be resourceful and worth recommending.

    - Reliance industries limited
  • PCFPL gave speedy,economical and quality driven results in Barge berth construction ,the 1st ambitious project in “Sagar mala program” by government.

    - JSW
  • PCFPL completed the 13th multicargo project in the shortest turn around time of 13 months.

    - M/s. Riverra
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